Huskeropoly Nebraska Monopoly Style Board Game
Product Description

This HUSKEROPOLY board game is perfect for Nebraska alumni, students and future grads! Game includes Alarm Clock, Pencil, Gym Shoe, Bicycle tokens as well as popular campus and off-campus locations for board spaces such as Memorial Stadium, Love Library and Nebraska Union. Also includes relevant contingency cards.
“THERE IS NO PLACE LIKE NEBRASKA®, DEAR OLD NEBRASKA U.” We visited Lincoln, Nebraska and asked students and alumni, “What makes this place so great?” We walked among the columns, listened to the Mueller Carillon bells, enjoyed a Husker™ Blitz from the Dairy Store, then changed into a scarlet t-shirt and jumped into the “Sea of Red”. What was the result of all this intense research? A game so full of Nebraska®, we could hardly get the lid on!
HERE’S A QUICK IDEA OF HOW TO PLAY Choose your token, buy well known Nebraska® properties, collect credit hours and trade them in for diplomas. It sounds easy enough - but add Academic Probation, summer school and increased tuition and it becomes a little more difficult and a lot more fun! Who knows? You may become the newest member of the Cornhusker™ Marching Band...or you maybe bumming quarters to do your laundry!
Are you looking for a fun way to experience the University of Nebraska®? Here it is!
Product Dimensions: 15.25 X 10.5 X 2 IN
Players: 2 - 6
Ages: 8 and up
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